Energy Master Taoist I Ching Astrology
Circular Arrangement
Home I Ching Astrology Compatibility Hsien Tien  Feedback

Compatibility Analysis

Important Instructions

By filling out the form below with the birth data of two individuals, you will receive back immediately, an analysis of their compatibility based on Chinese 5 Element Astrology. This method examines the 4 Pillars at the time of birth of the two people and determines the mutual effect each has. This goes far beyond the commonly know methods of the Chinese animals (which are simply one of a total of eight factors).

If you are reasonably certain of the exact time of your birth, please fill in the entire form. The Longitude, Time Zone and whether Daylight Saving Time was in effect at the time of birth are all important. Please use an atlas to get the Longitude of your birthplace, accurate to +/- 1 degree.

If you are sure of the hour but not the exact minute, enter the hour and use 30 for the minute.

If you do not know the hour and minute of birth (within 1 hour) please leave those areas blank. The analysis you get will be less detailed but the compatibility assessment will not be affected. This will be much better than possible mismatches caused by inaccurate data.

If you are returning to this page to provide feedback based on a previous submission, please

First and Last Name
Place of Birth
Longitude of Birth West East
Time Zone of Birthplace (Hours from GMT) (EST=5)
Year of Birth (1900-2050)
Month of Birth
Day of Birth (0-31)
Hour of Birth (0-23) Leave blank if you are unsure
Minute of Birth (0-59) Use 30 if you are only sure of the hour
Daylight Saving Time? YES NO
Gender Female Male
First and Last Name
Place of Birth
Longitude of Birth West East
Time Zone of Birthplace (Hours from GMT) (EST=5)
Year of Birth (1900-2050)
Month of Birth
Day of Birth (0-31)
Hour of Birth (0-23) Leave blank if you are unsure
Minute of Birth (0-59) Use 30 if you are only sure of the hour
Daylight Saving Time? YES NO
Gender Female Male
Blue Highlighting indicates a required field.
You can optionally personalize the report by filling in the Name and Birthplace fields.